“Getting to Know You” Blog Hop

Hello Hello and Happy Friday,

A few weeks ago I entered the Like a Virgin Contest hosted by Kristina Perez and Rhiann Wynn-Nolet. Cute name, I know. It’s a contest where new writers can pitch their virgin manuscripts and get noticed. I made it to the first round! Yay! Now it’s time for them and everyone else to know me a little better. So here I go!

1. How do you remember your first kiss?

Hmm, my first real kiss was at a girls’ movie night that I hosted at my place. Everyone left, but one guest stayed behind. And then the magic happened.

2. What was your first favorite love song?

As a kindergartner, I loved the song Lady in Red by Chris de Burgh. Reason I knew this song was because my parents always had the car radio on this soft rock station. Anyway, I really wanted to dance with this woman. I’d always say “Chu chu chu” in place of the words “Cheek to cheek.”

3.) What’s the first thing you do when you begin writing for the day?

I listen to instrumental or classical music for about fifteen minutes and continue to do so as I write. Music is a big part of my writing. I really enjoy contemporary artists and composers such as Mono, Rhian Sheehan, Hans Zimmer, or E.S. Posthumus. For classics, I usually listen to Tchaikovsky or Mozart’s Requiem.

4.) Who’s the first writer who truly inspired you to become a writer?

Toni Morrison. Her work always leaves me in awe. Although I’ve been writing stories since third grade, it wasn’t until I read her books that I wanted to make writing my life.

5.) Did the final revision of your first book have the same first chapter it started with?

Definitely not. I think it’s gone through five major changes because I’m a strong believer of getting that first chapter right.

6.) For your first book, which came first: major characters, plot or setting?

I had the major characters in mind first and then hurled them into a story.

7.) What’s the first word you want to roll off the tip of someone’s tongue when they think of your writing?


Hope you enjoyed learning more about me! Be sure to check out the answers of other bloggers.

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33 thoughts on ““Getting to Know You” Blog Hop”

  1. Fellow #lv14 entrant here. I love Tchaikovsky. In high school I played one of his pieces for competition. Best of luck with the competition!


  2. Hello! Yes, I just love listening to his pieces and letting them take me away. You must have been very talented in high school! Best of luck to you too!


  3. Music is a big part of my process and Lady in Red is a lovely song. Best of luck to you (I’m cornerofmadness on the list btw).


    1. Yes, when I lived in NY I rounded up my friends and we watched independent films at my place. I’m so sorry you never had such a core group of friends. How about now? Sending good vibes your way!


      1. I’m collecting the vibes just in case. Turns out I am anti-social. I’ve made my biggest leaps of effort just recently. Maybe the vibes will come in handy. 😉


  4. I love the song Lady in Red. My mom had a red dress. I remember my siblings and I played that song one night when she wore that dress to got out on a date with my dad! I am also a big fan on classical music. One of my first piano recitals I played Sonata in C major by Mozart.


    1. You and your siblings were so sweet playing that for you mom. Truly adorable. 🙂 I’ve always wanted to learn the piano but alas it wasn’t meant to be. Never too late as they say. Good luck in the contest!


  5. I’m with you on instrumental music. A necessity. But I can’t listen to words with lyrics unless I don’t understand the language. If I ever learn Italian, my opera collection will be useless.


  6. Sly…oh very sly move with the movie night thing. On a first draft I love listening to classical. Carmina Burana for the complex, or Pachelbel’s Canon in D are my go tos. Great to meet you, good luck in the competition.


    1. Hahaha, I was certainly taken by surprise that night. Oooh Carmina Burana is perfect for those intense scenes. Music is my favorite language. 🙂 Great to meet you too and good luck as well!


  7. Hi Sammy, so very nice to meet you. I’m also a Toni Morrison fan, Beloved captured me in college and never let go. It is luminous. On modern classical music, if you haven’t heard Phillip Glass, you might enjoy him. Good luck in the contest!


    1. Hi Naomi! It’s nice to meet you too! Yes, I took a class where I read all her works and fell in love with the beauty and raw strength of her writing. Thank you for the music rec! I love discovering new music. Good luck to you too!


  8. I love your choice of music; Hans Zimmer has some really good pieces. Keep on hurling your characters into interesting (and intense) circumstances and good luck in the contest mate!


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